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• Volume and pressure controlled ventilation
• Invasive and Non - invasive
• Smart user - friendly interface with touch screen color display
• Full range of ventilation features with graphs and numarical values
• Smart alarm system
• 72 hours trend storage
• IBW calculator provides a quick and safe start to ventilation
• Pediatric through adult ( 20 - 2000 ml Tidal volume)
• Automatic leak and compliance compensation
• Moders pressure and flow triggering
• Battery backup up to 1 hour and upgradable up to 2 hours

Volume & Pressure Controlled Ventilation
VICU ventilator helps patient to breathe more naturally through a new delivery technology.
This new ventilator presents volume and pressure controlled ventilation plus spontaneous
breathing modes. More over , it is equipped with great weaning functionalities.


Smart User-Friendly Interface

The high - resolution full - color touch screen display shows comprehensive
information including ventilation curves and monitored values. Also screen
configuration can be customized to display the most important measure

Full Range of Ventilation Features

VICU ventilator possesses some extra advantages: NIV, Apnea, modern pressure
and flow triggering. These features allow making the ventilation even more precise
and effective.

72 Hours Trend Storage

Some mistakes in treatment can be crucial for the patient and the specialist must
know all the details of patient history case to prevent the fault.VICU ventilator offers
trending all patient data available for 3 days.


IBM Calculator

Ideal Body Weight start up setting gives the clinician a quick initation to ventilation.

VICU Ventilator


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